Sailer In TAKIMAG On Hillary’s Illness: "Sick and Tirade"
By Steve Sailer
From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:
Sick and Tiradeby Steve Sailer September 14, 2016
It has been a fun week for everybody (except Hillary Clinton) since my last column asked who might replace Hillary if she dropped out due to her health. …
Then on Sunday, Mrs. Clinton physically collapsed.
How did I know this would happen?
Well, I didn’t.
It was, however, obvious from just looking at her that Hillary’s health for quite some time has been deteriorating faster than the normal aging process. … By the way, that’s a major reason so few of her supporters will attend her rallies. Hillary can’t round up a healthy crowd to listen to her orate because advancing decrepitude is depressing, and people don’t want to be around it. …
The reason the Establishment media have been so vehemently denouncing all the conspiracy theories about Hillary being in declining health is because Hillary is in declining health. …
Indeed, there have been so many denunciations in the press of the public engaging in conspiracy theorizing about Hillary’s health lately that you might imagine there is a conspiracy among professional journalists. …
Read the whole thing there.