Sailer In Takimag On School Shooting: "Big Shots"
By Steve Sailer
From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:
Big Shots
Steve SailerJune 01, 2022
Modern school shootings are an exceptionally abhorrent phenomenon that we got along just fine without for the first couple of centuries of U.S. history.
So, it’s wholly reasonable to want them gone. It’s not like America was suffering from any lack of the beneficial side effects of school shootings before the man with the brain tumor climbed the U. of Texas clock tower in 1966 and the “I Don’t Like Mondays” girl opened fire at the San Diego elementary school in 1979.
School shootings and other heavily publicized mass killings are an intensely grotesque problem, often engineered by obsessive notoriety-seekers specifically to elicit maximum outrage from you and me. (For example, Bob Geldof of the Boomtown Rats says cornerstone K–12 shooter Brenda Spencer wrote to him to say “she was glad she’d done it because I’d made her famous….”)
But how big of a problem are they?
Read the whole thing there.