
Sailer in TakiMag: Post-Lockdown Hacks

By Steve Sailer


From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

Post-Lockdown Hacks
Steve Sailer, April 08, 2020

With some good news emerging recently in the battle against the coronavirus, it’s time to think in depth about how to reopen the economy, as the governments of Denmark and Austria, two intelligently run countries that shut down relatively early, are currently planning to do.

Obviously, we can’t stay shut down forever.

But we also can’t just get back to normal on government command, either, since many customers will continue to avoid businesses that they don’t feel comfortable interacting with.

And many enterprises would prefer not to risk the health of their customers and employees until the situation is clearer. For example, the NBA suspended its season way back on March 11, well before the great majority of government-declared shutdowns.

One reason for the flattening curve of recent days that now makes it opportune to plan for the next phase is that Americans have largely taken to social distancing with enthusiasm.

The smart solution, therefore, is for people to think hard now about which activities offer low risks of infection, and suggest changes that could be made to reduce the dangers further.

Read the whole thing there.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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