Sailer in TakiMag: Trust, But Verify
By Steve Sailer
From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:
Steve Sailer
July 03, 2024If the mainstream media won’t tell you the truth about the President’s age-driven mental decline until forced to spill the beans by a debate on live TV, can you trust them not to try to mislead you about other things as well?
No, of course not.
Does that also mean that if they misdirect you about some facts, that therefore they are lying to you about anything and everything?
For example, how do we really know that HIV leads to AIDS? Isn’t there one scientist, Peter Duesberg, who has gone around for decades making plausible-sounding speeches about how AIDS isn’t caused by HIV?
And if the elites think Shakespeare’s plays were written by a non-elite like Shakespeare, isn’t that proof that they must have been written by an elite like the Earl of Oxford?
If the Deep State claims that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, doesn’t that just mean Stanley Kubrick faked it on a soundstage, right?
Did anybody really see any jetliners crash into the World Trade Center?
And, the Holocaust? I mean, c’mon!
Read the whole thing there.