Sailer In TakiMag: Why Has the Death Rate Gotten Much Worse Among Younger People in This Decade?
By Steve Sailer
From my new Taki’s Magazine column:
Steve Sailer
April 12, 2023About thirty years ago I attended a presentation by an executive at a vast snack and beverage company. She announced that her firm’s goal was to have their delicious sugary and salty products within arm’s reach of every American at all times. Maybe they’d never quite fully succeed, but damn it, they were going to try.
“Uh-oh,” I said to myself. “The future is going to be fatter.”
Read the whole thing there.
April is my first of three fundraisers per year. I’m a full-time professional writer, which is what lets me do what I do. But what I do doesn’t pay that well. For example, in June I’m doing my first paid speech in a decade. Leftist violence and cancellations by hotels afraid of leftist violence has kept me from public speaking. So, I rely on the generosity of my readers to let me keep going rather than getting a real job.
I really like getting money, so thanks in advance.
Here are ten ways for you to help me carry on:
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