
Sailer On Charles Murray’s Latest Crime Study: "Broken Window of Opportunity"

By Steve Sailer


From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:

Broken Window of Opportunity

Steve Sailer
August 09, 2023

Many people have strong opinions on what’s the best place to live: city, suburb, or country? Yet, personally, I’ve enjoyed every place I’ve lived and would like to see each kind thrive. Hence, I’ve been vocally critical about the American establishment letting our big cities decay into disorder during the Black Lives Matter era.

A new study by data maestro Charles Murray, coauthor of The Bell Curve,The Collapse of Broken-Windows Policing in New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC, 2013–22,” traces the roots of the 2020s surge in crime (the annual homicide rate in 2020–2022 has been 31 percent higher than in 2019) and car crashes (traffic fatalities are up 15 percent) to an abandonment during the last decade’s Great Awokening of the crime-fighting strategy that had been succeeding for several decades.

(The D.C. rise in broken windows arrests was due to a campaign to get streetwalkers away from hotels.)

Read the whole thing there.

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