SALON Accuses Of "Racism" Etc. — Exactly As Ann Coulter Predicted
Ann Coulter just did a very funny interview with the Hollywood Reporter:
Hollywood Reporter: Ann Coulter’s Message to Never-Trumpers: "Move out of DC" — @THR @DanScavino
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 5, 2016
Sample quotes:
What’s the top thing you like about Trump?In this order: Immigration, immigration, immigration, flagrantly violates all the rules of political correctness, immigration, no more pointless wars, will bring back manufacturing, immigration and immigration.
Can you explain succinctly why you believe Trump is a conservative?
He loves America and will protect the people who live here first, last and always.
What’s your message to the 'never-Trumpers' — those conservatives who swear they will never vote for Trump?
Move out of DC and meet some Americans. They’re nice people.
And finally:
How do you expect Hollywood and liberals in the media to go after Trump? What do you think they see as a weakness for them to exploit?
They won’t go after his real weaknesses, which aren’t much to speak of — no political experience, brash, the gold fixtures — instead, they’ll do what they always do: scream ‘racist!’
Meanwhile, over at Salon, where they hate and fear Americans and don’t think they're nice people, Scot Eric Kaufman is attacking Ann for re-Tweeting things that Steve Sailer and said. Kaufman is doing "what they always do" and screaming "Racist!"
Even Ann Coulter should know better than to retweet certain people (e.g. white supremacists)
— Salon (@Salon) May 5, 2016
Kaufman’s specific complaint is that that Ann retweeted Steve Sailer, when he pointed out that she was having the last laugh on Bill Maher. Then Kaufman reaches back to 2005 to note that, in face of horrifying black behavior during Hurricane Katrina, Sailer reminded America that
"In contrast to New Orleans, there was only minimal looting after the horrendous 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan — because, when you get down to it, Japanese aren’t blacks. For example, the per capita imprisonment rate for Asian-Americans is about 1/30th that of African-Americans. "
Kaufman quoted part of the first sentence — but not the second sentence.
He also objected to Ann retweeting this:
The pundits on TV were wrong. The most influential commentator of this campaign was @AnnCoulter. Full stop.
— VDARE (@vdare) May 4, 2016
After which Kaufman says
That would the official account of VDARE, the white supremacist website named after the the girl who was allegedly the first white child born in the Americas. isn’t "white supremacist" (or even "white nationalist.") We don’t allege that Virginia Dare was the first white child born in the Americas (who was either a Viking’s child or a Spaniard) but the first "white child of English parentage" born in the New World. That makes her the first American.
But Kaufman’s larger point is that: on Twitter, no one should ever retweet anyone that the $PLC doesn’t like. This is shunning behavior, and is the sign of cult mentality.
When comedian Patton Oswalt retweeted Steve Sailer’s remark that Political Correctness is a war on Noticing, he was immediately attacked by people saying that Sailer was "objectively" racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic.
When Donald Trump retweeted someone’s point about black crime, the Main Stream Media blamed him for not only the (non-dispositive) inaccuracy of the tweet, but the opinions of the tweeters.
Kaufman is simply regurgitating the SPLC’s talking points — with no link either to them, or to us, on the Sailer quote. His method is the same kind of attack I wrote about in 2015, when the SPLC attacked Ann for mentioning in one (1) footnote in Adios America.
I used this analogy: the SPLC’s technique of declaring people or groups unclean, and the declaring others unclean for associating with them
reminds of a quack doctor I heard of years ago: Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, who claimed to be able to cure AIDS and cancer with glowing light machine that she'd shine on people. Her success in curing actual sick people was as limited as the SPLC’s success in helping ordinary black people in Alabama — who are being displaced by immigrants with the help of the SPLC.
But Dr. Clark had another glowing light machine she would point at you — this one was diagnostic. And she could declare you to be infected with HIV, the way the SPLC declares people a hate group, and then she would point the other machine at you and declare you cured. (Like the SPLC, she didn’t do this for free.) The people she had declared sick were successfully declared cured.
She had legal troubles — she wasn’t a real doctor — and set up a clinic in Mexico, like a number of quacks. But she was so egregious that the Mexican authorities shut her down, and eventually she died of a disease that a real doctor would have sought help for [The Bizarre Claims of Hulda Clark, Stephen Barrett, M.D.,, October 23, 2009]
The SPLC has the same strange methods. But instead of intervening, the authorities take it seriously.