Sam Francis Columns From TownHall, 2000 — Still Relevant
Nicholas Stix’s latest post Overheard from Sam Francis’ Grave: “I Told You So, You F — –g Fools!”, included a link to a column by the late Sam Francis in which Sam wrote
Just over a year ago, in a column about the Confederate Flag controversy in South Carolina, I wrote the following sentences: “… the blunt truth is that racial slavery existed for a far longer time under the American flag than under the brief four years of the Confederacy. If the NAACP denounces the Confederate flag today for its symbolization of slavery, it can far more easily denounce Old Glory tomorrow for the same reason. Don’t bet your battle flag they won’t do it either, or that the political and business elites that cave in to them on the Confederate banner will stand firm on the American flag.”[Enemies, Not Friends, Of Confederate Flag Want War, May 5, 2000]
The link goes to an version of Sam Francis’s column, from before existed. In 2005, I noted that it had gone from’s online archive, and provided a link.
Here’s a complete list of columns from the past. Many of them have grown only more relevant over time. I should say that the titles are not very descriptive of the content. That’s because Sam, as a columnist, expected people to open the paper to his column, rather than clicking on a link. Possibly the mild titles were a form of what TV writers call Getting Crap Past the Radar.
For example, U.S. practices double standards on human rights is about the victimization of South African whites and Americans reinvent their own government in Arizona is about the beginning or what later became the Minutemen movement. I reproduced Narrow-Minded Left Claims Monopoly On Moral Legitimacy in 2012.
December 1, 2000 | Florida crisis forces re-examination of American myths |
November 17, 2000 | Electoral college is more than a constitutional curiosity |
November 14, 2000 | War against the west not confined to the U.S. |
October 24, 2000 | Bush’s pragmatism fails to challenge Gore’s assumptions |
October 20, 2000 | Democrats try to sneak amnesty for illegal aliens through Congress |
September 25, 2000 | Corporate giants now enforce thought control |
September 19, 2000 | Why is Al Gore winning? |
September 8, 2000 | Gun control is global flop |
August 1, 2000 | Cheney’s evasions on his record encourage democrat |
July 25, 2000 | Left seeks to propagandize civil war battlefields |
July 21, 2000 | Real extremists may have foot in FBI door |
July 14, 2000 | New Mexican leader vows to swamp U.S. with illegals |
July 11, 2000 | 'The Patriot' teaches forgotten lessons the left doesn’t like |
July 7, 2000 | GOP conservatives pleased with exclusion from platform |
July 4, 2000 | Crusade against death penalty shows lack of will |
June 30, 2000 | Miranda rule threatens Constitution, not the cops |
June 27, 2000 | Americans reinvent their own government in Arizona |
June 23, 2000 | Legal guns would end New York’s 'wildings' |
June 16, 2000 | Conservatives shouldn’t waffle on the death penalty |
June 13, 2000 | Zimbabwe whites are latest victims of liberal hypocrisy |
June 9, 2000 | Bipartisan support of H-1B program threatens Americans |
June 6, 2000 | New science tells us the truth about a forbidden subject |
June 2, 2000 | Language anarchy may fracture national bonds |
May 31, 2000 | White males, not Hispanics, give Bush an edge |
May 26, 2000 | New coalition is well paid to push for more immigration |
May 23, 2000 | NAACP shows itself to be the real extremists |
May 19, 2000 | The 'Million Moms' were victims of manipulation |
May 16, 2000 | 'European-American month' forfeits claim to define civilization |
May 12, 2000 | Witch hunters of the left may be the real witches |
May 9, 2000 | Virginia’s compromises on Confederate issues not enough for NAACP |
May 5, 2000 | Enemies, not friends, of Confederate flag want war |
May 2, 2000 | Chavez holiday another attack on euro-american culture |
April 28, 2000 | Thanks to Leadership, GOP Drifts to the Left |
April 25, 2000 | U.S. practices double standards on human rights |
April 21, 2000 | GOP silent on Clinton-Gore amnesty for illegal aliens |
April 18, 2000 | Pat Robertson loses it on death penalty |
April 14, 2000 | South Africa now on edge of chaos and tyranny |
April 11, 2000 | Bush’s Court may not differ much from Gore’s |
April 7, 2000 | FAIR tells truth about Michigan politician |
April 4, 2000 | GOP flubs use of Sharpton against democrats |
March 31, 2000 | African land seizures part of world revolution |
March 28, 2000 | Narrow minded left claims monopoly on moral legitimacy |
March 3, 2000 | Bush and McCain allow the left to dictate their own debate |
February 1, 2000 | Helms speaks truth to United Nations |
January 4, 2000 | Bad reasons to compromise on Confederate Flag |