The capital of the Left Coast has serious problems at home — including a projected budget deficit of $522 million and an unemployment rate of 10.3 percent for the city and county — but the San Francisco Board of Supervisors takes its valuable time to condemn Arizona for stepping up to the plate on borders and immigration in the face of Washington negligence.
What a city.
San Francisco calling for a boycott of Arizona, San Francisco Chronicle, April 26, 2010
San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors are calling for a sweeping boycott of Arizona in the wake of that state’s harsh new rules aimed at illegal immigrants.
A resolution that will go before the board Tuesday will call for San Francisco to end any and all contracts with Arizona-based companies and to stop doing business with the state.
”We want to send a message,” Supervisor David Campos told a rally on the steps of City Hall this morning. “There are consequences when you target a whole people.”
Last Friday, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed a law making it a crime for an immigrant to be in the state without proof of legal residency and requiring police to seek out and detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally.
The law, which will take effect this summer, is certain to face legal challenges. President Obama has called the bill “misguided” and ordered the Justice Department to determine whether it violates civil rights.
There’s no way to tell yet how a boycott of Arizona would affect San Francisco.
”We’re trying to figure that out now,” Campos said. “We do know that we won’t be sending any city employees to conferences in Arizona.”City Attorney Dennis Herrera also called for a wide-ranging boycott of Arizona and pledged to have attorneys in his office work with the city to identify contracts with Arizona companies and help break those contracts where possible.
The boycott resolution won’t be the only immigration-based measure on the board’s agenda Tuesday. The supervisors also are expected to pass a resolution condemning audits by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement designed to force local employers to fire undocumented workers.
The resolution calls for Congress to place a moratorium on “piecemeal” immigration enforcement efforts and encourages Congress and the president to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill “that prioritizes keeping families together, upholding civil and human rights and promoting economic justice.”
Notice that bit near the end where San Francisco discriminates against legal workers?? The current city unemployment rate (10,3%) is well above the national average, yet the Supes want to discriminate against legal and citizen workers by protecting illegals instead of liberating illegally occupied jobs.
What a city. Are San Francisco Values upside down or what?
In addition, in simple financial analysis, San Francisco’s biggest industry is tourism, and offending millions of possible visitors does not seem a wise strategy. In 2009, visitors to the city spent $7.8 billion, and 66,000 jobs depend on tourism. Seventy percent of Arizona voters approve of the new law, and with a population of 6.6 million, that works out to 4.6 millions Arizonans who may not be inclined to visit San Francisco because of its extreme sanctuary policy and open borders ideology.