San Francisco Police End Relationship with FBI Joint Terrorism Taskforce

By Brenda Walker


Has ultra-liberal San Francisco gone completely nuts? Probably. Despite being a top terror target because of its famous structures — just think Golden Gate Bridge and TransAmerica building — the city’s Police Department recently ended its partnership with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The angry Allah acolytes dislike San Francisco in particular because of what jihadists see as a sinful lifestyle. Last June, the Islamic state released a video, suggesting that the city by the bay would be a fine target for a jihad attack.

Nevertheless, the loony liberals fear surveillance of Muslims — as if that were a bad thing! Sensible scrutiny worked well for Mayor Giuliani’s New York City to stop more terror after 9/11.

Making San Francisco a jihad-friendly zone will only create a magnet for unfriendly Muslims to move there. Remember, the Mexican killer of Kate Steinle said he chose the city as his home because its sanctuary policy protects illegal aliens, and an official prohibition of jihad surveillance will draw other enemies as well.

SFPD to suspend collaboration with FBI counterterrorism program, San Francisco Chronicle, February 1, 2017

San Francisco police will suspend the department’s much-criticized collaboration with FBI counterterrorism efforts, police said Wednesday, in an announcement that was celebrated by civil liberties and immigration advocates who have long called for stricter oversight of local participation in federal enforcement.

The announcement comes as San Francisco moves to disengage from the federal government under the Trump administration, especially in regard to the president’s directives on immigration and the treatment of Muslims.

The Joint Terrorism Task Force, which has two full-time city officers assigned to it, was established in 2007, when the police force entered into an agreement with the FBI that authorized intelligence-gathering by San Francisco officers of people engaged in First Amendment activities such as religious services, protests and political assemblies.

Advocates penned a letter to the Police Commission last month raising concerns that the department would follow federal law over local ordinances such as San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy, which limits city employees’ cooperation with federal immigration agents.

Under the Trump administration, they said, it is more important than ever that San Francisco officers commit to enforcing San Francisco policies.

While police officials acknowledged that they heard the community’s concerns, they said they were suspending participation in the Joint Terrorism Task Force because the memorandum of understanding on it was reaching its 10th year.

Under the City Charter, all contracts over 10 years must be approved by the Board of Supervisors.

But police officials said they were also planning to work with the Police Commission to update guidelines on investigating First Amendment activities, a department general order that came into question around the task force investigations, as well as other general orders regarding immigration issues.

“We are committed to community policing,” Deputy Chief Michael Redmond said at Wednesday’s Police Commission meeting. “We want to work collaboratively with the stakeholders when the work begins on the general orders.”

Advocates applauded Redmond’s announcement at the Police Commission meeting. Many spoke in favor of the suspension, with police watchdog John Crew, a former American Civil Liberties Union attorney, calling it “the right move.”

Christina Sinha, an attorney in the Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus national security and civil rights program, said that while she was “very happy” at the news, “I also recognize that does not preclude SFPD from rejoining.” She beseeched the Police Department to end all involvement with the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Wednesday’s eventful hearing was new Chief William Scott’s first Police Commission meeting. While he had little to say about the announcement, he said the move will have little impact on public safety.

“I just want to ensure the public that we are committed to public safety,” Scott said, “and we are going to do everything in our power to protect the public.”

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