San Francisco Still Unclear on the Concept of Law and Borders
San Francisco is like an addict failing in efforts to reform from a bad habit, because it/he doesn’t really want to change. The city is so loaded up with uber-liberal politicans, judges and social services providers that it is having trouble disengaging from the protection of illegal alien criminals claiming to be juveniles, even when the mayor has called for semi-normal law enforcement. Today’s San Francisco Chronicle brings yet another negative indicator: Court rules S.F. teen illegal needs services, by Jaxon Van Derbeken.
A San Francisco court set aside a drug-trafficking case Monday against a 14-year-old Honduran immigrant — a ruling that juvenile justice officials fear will undermine Mayor Gavin Newsom’s new policy requiring that such offenders be held for possible deportation.Juvenile Court Commissioner Abby Abinanti concluded that the youth, identified only as Francisco G. because of his age, should be treated within the social welfare system, not as a criminal offender. If federal authorities don’t intervene, the ruling would almost certainly allow him to remain in this country.
Abinanti issued her ruling after a social services official and a city attorney’s representative on an advisory panel reviewed the youth’s history and concluded that he should be considered a victim and thus be entitled to receive social welfare services.
This case is more bad publicity for Mayor Gavin Newsom, who launched his gubernatorial campaign within a few days of the murder of San Francisco dad Tony Bologna and his two sons by a previously arrested illegal alien. Newsom originally voiced support for protecting foreign criminals even after the murders, but flip-flopped in a heartbeat when he saw local polling on the issue. Now he looks unable to enforce his own new policy, reversed though it may be.
Many in the city are outraged at the level of criminal anarchy that has been allowed to fester, judging from the comments for this article and others. One problem is the complete lack of responsible adults in positions of authority in San Francisco — there is no non-moonbat bench of possible candidates for office. For example, Newsom was the moderate in the last mayoral election — the opposition was Green Party commie Matt Gonzalez, who received 47 percent of the vote in 2003. Years of left-wing politics have gutted public safety in San Francisco, and it is questionable whether the city can be fixed given the available personnel.
Below, a report on Fox News about Mayor Newson’s promotion of the sanctuary city policy, including a brief clip with Danielle Bologna who believes that San Francisco’s permissiveness caused the murders of her husband and sons (and is suing the city for wrongful death).