
San Francisco These Days: Elderly Gay White Photographer Shot Dead For His Camera By A Black Woman, Jury Deadlocks

By Steve Sailer


Overall, it’s not true that during this decade’s “racial reckoning,” some races are above the law. But there are straws in the wind suggesting a trend…

From San Francisco Public Safety News:

Fam­ily of slain Twin Peaks pho­tog­ra­pher lament jury dead­lock
May 22nd, 2023 at 1:10 PM

A mis­trial was de­clared to­day in the mur­der trial of Fan­tasy De­cuir and La­m­onte Mims in San Fran­cisco Su­pe­rior Court.

The pair were ac­cused of rob­bing and killing pho­tog­ra­pher and film lo­ca­tion scout Ed French, 71, at Twin Peaks over­look in July 2017.

The jury of five men and seven women re­ported they were dead­locked as to a count of first-de­gree mur­der. …

The broad day­light, caught-on-cam­era killing of the de­fense­less se­nior shocked res­i­dents for its sense­less­ness and bru­tal­ity.

The pair will face a re­trial.

Speak­ing out­side De­part­ment 28 to­day the vic­tim’s part­ner Brian Hig­gin­botham lamented the fail­ure of the jury to reach a ver­dict as to De­cuir and Mims.

“They are both guilty of first de­gree mur­der,” he said. “They killed Ed in cold blood and went on al­most to com­mit an­other mur­der less than two weeks later.” …

While they did not dis­pute that their client fired the shot that killed Mr French, de­fense at­tor­neys ar­gued that, at the time of the killing, Ms De­cuir was in a “sickle cell cri­sis” and suf­fer­ing from opi­ate painkiller with­drawal.

They added that Ms De­cuir had a low IQ, a “lack of adap­tive func­tion­ing” and suf­fers from stress and anx­i­ety. As a con­se­quence, they said, she did not act “con­sciously” when fir­ing the gun.

She was “un­aware of what is go­ing on,” at­tor­ney Mark Iver­son told the jury, “She is mov­ing, but with­out con­scious thought.”

Sum­ming-up, pros­e­cu­tor Heather Tre­visan dis­missed claims of lack of con­scious­ness: “mak­ing a plan with some­one else to go to a tar­get-rich en­vi­ron­ment [and] to leave [Mr French] alone to die on the street while you go to fence the cam­era” sug­gested to the con­trary, she said. …

One ju­ror spoke of “per­sonal ten­sion” among those de­lib­er­at­ing.

With re­spect to Mr French’s death, the only guilty ver­dicts aris­ing from the day’s events, that the jury could agree, re­lated to Mims: a sin­gle count of ‘sec­ond de­gree rob­bery’ and a count of ‘con­tempt of court’ — be­cause, by be­ing on Twin Peaks, he vi­o­lated a stay-away or­der pre­vi­ously im­posed.

The pair were both found not guilty of ‘in­flict­ing in­jury on an el­der’ as re­gards Mr French. The read­ing of this ver­dict for Ms De­cuir caused a mem­ber of the French fam­ily to im­me­di­ately leave the court­room. …

Six days be­fore the killing, La­m­onte Mims, al­ready on felony pro­ba­tion, was re­leased on bail by Judge Sharon Rear­don af­ter be­ing ar­rested for gun pos­ses­sion and pa­role vi­o­la­tions.

In mak­ing her re­lease de­ci­sion, Judge Rear­don had the ben­e­fit of a risk as­sess­ment pre­pared via an al­go­rithm — how­ever staff at the SF Pre­trial Di­ver­sion Pro­ject said that they mis­tak­enly in­putted in­cor­rect data, re­sult­ing in a ‘re­lease’ rec­om­men­da­tion.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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