Sanders-Liking WALL STREET ON PARADE Applauds Trump’s Bank Stance: Rejects NYT’s Antisemitism Smear
H/T pic Wall Street has made Hillary Clinton a millionaire CNN Money October 13, 2015
Wall Street On Parade bills itself as ‘A Citizen’s Guide To Wall Street’ and has a Mission statement which says
Wall Street On Parade hopes to level the playing field between Wall Street and the 99 percent. Wall Street is a jungle of devices to effect an institutionalized wealth transfer system. The goal of this web site is to provide the jungle guide to the 99 percent in the hope of bringing about citizen-inspired change.
and appends to each story the rubric is a financial news site operated by Russ and Pam Martens to help the investing public better understand systemic corruption on Wall Street.
WSOP’s position is basically that FBI/Hillary Clinton-style judicial malfeasance has had many precursors where Wall Street is concerned. And the Proprietors understand the system: see their classic account of Sandy Weill’s looting of Citibank.
Up till now, WSOP has only displayed bad-tempered hostility towards Donald Trump. But they see Hillary Clinton as part of the Wall Street problem and dislike her: see Almost Nothing Hillary Clinton Told the American People About Her Emails Was True . My impression is that they were Sanders sympathizers.
But they have integrity — and courage. Faced with Trump Comments Linked to Anti-Semitism by Niraj Chokshi The New York Times October 13 2016 they FIERCELY DEFENDED THE DONALD!!! And more particularly, what he said.
One would have had to have been in a coma for the past eight years not to realize there has been an ongoing Wall Street banking conspiracy in the United States…But yesterday, after Donald Trump made a reference to a banking conspiracy in his speech in West Palm Beach, Florida, a writer at the New York Times quickly pointed the anti-Semite finger at Trump, quoting Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League and others.
They point out
The full transcript of Trump’s speech was made available by Time Magazine. There is only one reference to the words “bank” or “banking.” Trump said the following:“The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure. We’ve seen this first hand in the WikiLeaks documents, in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors.”
Having supplied a large quantity of material supporting Trump’s contention WSOP goes on
If the Clintons look like they’re part of this conspiracy, it’s from their long-term coziness with the serially charged Citigroup. Bill Clinton was responsible for repealing the Glass-Steagall Act which allowed the creation of “universal” banks like Citigroup, which peddle dangerous investments and derivatives around the globe while also holding insured deposits. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Citigroup was the largest donor to Hillary’s first run for the Senate
They note wistfully
Trump is far from alone in thinking big Wall Street banks have seized our democracy. Senator Bernie Sanders, a Jew from Brooklyn, fired up an entire nation with a presidential campaign calling for a political revolution against the banks and the establishment. He repeatedly, and correctly, stated that the business model of Wall Street had become fraud.
and conclude
Trump is, indeed, a deeply flawed messenger to be proffering the truth on the Clintons and the banks to the American people. But that doesn’t mean that he’s wrong on those two points. Attempting to tar Trump with the cudgel of anti-Semitism when legions of social justice Jews are writing books and papers about the banking cartel that’s killing America is pretty lame for a New York Times writer. It smacks of a heavy-handed attempt to socialize people to silence on the matter of the greatest bank heist in history.
New York Times Writer Suggests Donald Trump is an Anti-Semite for His Reference to Banking Conspiracy By Pam Martens and Russ Martens Wall Street On Parade October 14, 2016
Wall Street On Parade may not realize that raising the cry of antisemitism is tantamount to sending round the Fiery Cross: ethnic loyalty becomes paramount and facts are beside the point.
But they are right to resent it being used to prevent consideration of Wall Street’s depredations, and very brave and honest to give credit to Donald Trump for correctly raising that issue.