Sarukhan Assumes Mexican Ambassador Post, Prepares to Lobby

By Allan Wall


Arturo Sarukhan is the new Mexican ambassador to the U.S. Unsurprisingly, Ambassador Sarukhan plans to influence U.S. immigration policy by aggressively lobbying for a migration accord. "There are few matters so important to this country (Mexico)" said Sarukhan in reference to emigration to the United States. [Ambassador: Mexico to lobby hard for immigration reform, AP, February 20, 2006] Sarukhan plans to utilize the Mexican consular network in the U.S.A. (the biggest such consular network in the world) to lobby American legislators (state and federal level) Chambers of Commerce (I think he’s already got them in his pocket), other groups and in fact "all actors of U.S. society" to convince them that mass immigration is good for both countries. "We are going to put into place the same kind of diplomatic and lobbying effort that we did in the early 1990s when NAFTA was being decided," says Sarukhan. Specifically, what does Sarukhan want? Amnesty of course, and a guest worker program.
"Migrants are not criminals nor a threat to the security of the U.S.," affirmed Sarukhan . "The thinking that walls must be built to detain the flow of migrants because that flow threatens security is wrong."

The new ambassador also said that protecting the "rights" of Mexicans north of the border "forms the backbone of our diplomacy in the U.S."

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