Schock Socked: Devastating CIS Critique of Turncoat from Illinois-18th

By Patrick Cleburne


I see via One Old Vet that Treason Lobby capture Congressman Aaron Schock of the 18th District of Illinois, whose perfidy was flagged in today’s letter from Virginia Paleoconservative, was also the subject of a devastating critique By Jon Feere at CIS: GOP Congressman Calls Illegal Aliens “Undocumented Citizens”, Trusts Obama Administration Aug 8, 2013

This includes a video of a town hall meeting in which, as Feere says

Schock has embraced activist language created by La Raza and the ACLU. One would think that a lawmaker would use legally accurate terminology, but he seems to be too frightened to do so.

There follows a 7 point analysis of Schock’s remarks, conclusively demonstrating that he does not understand what is in the Senate bill which he misrepresents on a Marco Rubio scale.

Patriots in the 18th District need to wake up.

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