
Scores Of Black Women Twerk On Ambulance As It Tries To Get Through Crowd At Juneteenth Event To Transport Black-On-Black Shooting Victims To Hospital

By Paul Kersey


Were America a nation dominated by “Karens,” and truly haunted by the legacy of Jim Crow, white privilege, structural inequality, implicit bias, and redlining, this video would be all that were necessary to play on network newscasts to justify every aspect of white supremacy derided by the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory.

Female mob TWERK on ambulance as it tries to get through Juneteenth crowd to reach injured and dying shooting victims in Oakland, Daily Mail, June 21, 2021

Multiple women were seen twerking on the top of an ambulance in Lake Merritt in Oakland, California on Saturday night, as paramedics attempted to make their way through to the scene of a shooting in which one person was killed and at least seven others were wounded.

The ambulance was stopped in its tracks by the crowd which was said to be around 1,000-strong as people gathered to celebrate Juneteenth after it was declared a federal holiday.

As the ambulance arrived at the scene, the revelers continued to party, with no apparent regard for the seriousness of the situation that just occurred nearby.

At least one person was also spotted on top of the roof at one point.

Video footage of the incident has gone viral on Twitter, showing Juneteenth partiers not only ignoring the Oakland shooting, but using the ambulance as a vehicle for them to use for their own enjoyment.

Police were on the scene to monitor the situation, they announced on Facebook, when shots rang out at 6:22 p.m.

Six male victims ranging in age from 16 to 27 and one 21-year-old female suffered gunshot wounds, and a 22-year-old San Francisco resident died.

‘Immediately after the shooting, Oakland Police Officers observed two men running from the scene with firearms,’ the police department announced on Sunday. ‘Both men have been arrested and two firearms recovered.’

Eight black people shot, with one dying. An ambulance shows up to try and transport these precious black lives to an emergency room where a life savingoperation can be performed to truly ensure the black life matters.

What happens? Scores upon scores upon scores of black people surround the ambulance and twerk upon it, not only impeding the EMTs ability to procure the individual black people who had been shot and get them to the hospital, but in the process completely expose the perverse notion diversity is somehow a strength.

This epoch will end, and the story of hundreds of black people twerking and surrounding an ambulance as EMTs tried to transport wounded black lives to a hospital (after having been shot by a black individual) will be told to our grandchildren.

They’ll be incredulous, wondering how we could ever believe black lives mattered, when black people were on the verge of dying courtesy of a black mass shooter, and scores upon scores upon scores of black people stopped an ambulance from transporting black bodies to a hospital for life-saving treatment.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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