See America First! Mexico Isn’t Safe
Mexico is the biggest danger spot for Americans outside an actual war zone.
Over 200 Americans killed in Mexico since '04 State Dept.: More lives lost than in any other country outside combat zonesMSNBC
February 9, 2009
HOUSTON — More than 200 American citizens have been killed since 2004 in Mexico’s escalating wave of violence, amounting to the highest number of unnatural deaths in any foreign country outside military combat zones, according to the U.S. State Department.
The deaths included a 22-year-old Houston man and his 16-year-old friend who were hauled out of a minivan and shot execution style. They also included a 65-year-old nurse from Brownsville found floating in the Rio Grande after visiting a Mexican beauty salon and a retiree stabbed to death while camping on a Baja beach, reported the Houston Chronicle in a story published Sunday, which examined hundreds of records related to the deaths.[More]
Caught in the chaos More than 200 U.S. citizens killed in Mexico since '04, By Lise Olsen, Houston Chronicle, February 8, 200922-year-old man from Houston and his 16-year-old friend are hauled out of a minivan in Mexico, shot execution style by thugs in a black Lincoln Continental, and left dead in the dirt.
The body of a 65-year-old nurse from Brownsville is found floating in the Rio Grande after a visit to a Mexican beauty salon.
An American retiree, an ex-Marine, is stabbed to death as he camps on a Baja beach with his dog.
More than 200 U.S. citizens have been slain in Mexico’s escalating wave of violence since 2004 — an average of nearly one killing a week, according to a Houston Chronicle investigation into the deaths.
Rarely are the killers captured.
The U.S. State Department tracks most American homicides abroad, but the department releases minimal statistics and doesn’t include victims’ names or details about the deaths. The Chronicle examined hundreds of records to document the personal tragedies behind them.More
What this means is that you'll be safer if you decide, come March Break, to "See America First!" That way, your chance of being murdered by a Mexican gunman, or gang member is … still pretty high.