Sen. Warren: The Rules Are Rigged in Favor of White Families
By Steve Sailer
From The New York Times:
Elizabeth Warren, Speaking to Black Graduates, Warns ‘the Rules Are Rigged’
‘It’s Time to Change the Rules,’ Warren Tells Graduates in Speech on Racism
Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts and a possible contender for the 2020 presidential race, spoke to graduates of Morgan State University, a historically black college in Baltimore, about racial discrimination and wealth inequality.
By Astead W. Herndon
Dec. 14, 2018… “Two sets of rules: one for the wealthy and the well-connected. And one for everybody else,” she said. “Two sets of rules: one for white families. And one for everybody else. That’s how a rigged system works. And that’s what we need to change.”
So “white families” are the privileged enemy?
Got it.
This is an interesting question: Is Senator Warren just being an inept yokel again, or is attacking “white families” now smart politics given the demographics of the Democratic primaries and the current media crusade against whiteness and Beckys?