Senator Inhofe: ISIS Jihadists Plan to Blow Up an American City
Senator Jim Inhofe is the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and recently voiced a specific concern while home in Oklahoma during the August recess. While being interviewed on a local TV show he remarked about ISIS, “… they’re rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city.”
This is bad news at a time when America’s southern border is wide open, a fact known to the entire world.
Not that an ISIS-trained Soldier of Allah would need to get his feet wet by walking across a narrow spot of the Rio Grande: ISIS fighters include “several hundred American passport holders,” according for former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense K.T. McFarland. (Inside ISIS’ network of wealth, Fox News, On the Record, August 21, 2014)
However, the open border presents an easier crossing point for transporting a nuke or some other WMD into America. Former CIA agent Mike Baker noted that a lot of communication has been going on between ISIS and the Mexican drug cartels who control the border. (LISTEN to an audio clip of Baker’s remarks on the August 21 Laura Ingraham show.)
Plus, ISIS is not only energetic and bloodthirsty, it is also very well funded from bank robbery and possession of oil wells.
(More from the link above)K.T. MCFARLAND, FORMER DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Well, they’ve got a number of things. In eastern Syria, they’ve got oil wells. In western Iraq, they have oil wells and refineries. As you pointed out, they robbed a bank to the tune of half a billion, with a “B.”
They’re thought to have roughly two billion in assets and cash. They’re getting revenue from selling extra weapons, from selling antiquities, and kidnappings and ransoms. They’re getting nearly $2 million a day. That makes them not only the best-equipped military, because they have all of the state-of-the-art American equipment, but it makes them the richest.
So ISIS has billions of shared interests with Mexican drug gangsters.
Here’s Sen. Inhofe on Oklahoma television:
Senator Inhofe warns of potential terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, Fox News Oklahoma City, August 20, 2014OKLAHOMA CITY — It is a serious warning coming from Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe as he warns of the potential of another attack on American soil. The senator sat down with Fox 25 to talk about a variety of topics, but as ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the top issue was national security.
“We’re in the most dangerous position we’ve ever been in as a nation,” Senator Inhofe told Fox 25’s Phil Cross.
“ISIS, they are really bad terrorists, they’re so bad even Al Qaida is afraid of them,” Inhofe said reflecting on the recent beheading of American journalist James Foley. Beyond the beheading, Inhofe said the current terror organizations are not going to stay contained to the Middle East. “They’re crazy out there and they’re rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city and people just can’t believe that’s happening.”
Inhofe blames policy decisions from the Obama administration and cuts in defense spending for putting the country in what he calls a dangerous situation.
“He’s [President Obama] going to have to come up with something that we’re going to do because they’re holding another hostage in place and the problem is, the President says all these things and he never does them,” Inhofe said.
Inhofe said he hopes after the mid-term elections there will be more Republicans in the Senate and more of a willingness for both parties to work on restoring cuts