Senator Jeff Sessions Slams Obama’s Latest Immigration Address: "America Is Not An Oligarchy"

By James Fulford


By David Durham on wrote on on November 5, 2013

The Open Borders Lobby has just launched yet another publicity offensive in to support the floundering Schumer Rubio Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill (S.744), with the help of its Main Stream Media cheering section. Confirming the plutocrat-plunderer aspect of his Elect-A-New-People drive, President Obama met today with “top corporate leaders” and brazenly claimed "This is not an issue where we’re looking for a political win." [Obama says CEOs want to make immigration 'easy' for Boehner, By Justin Sink, The Hill, November 5, 2013]. [The Open Borders Lobby’s New Publicity Offensive — CEOs For Cheap Labor! — And How To Fight It]

That was actually a secret meeting with corporate big-wigs, the kind of thing that caused amazing amounts of whining when Bush and Cheney did it.

On November 20, Obama took part in a public WSJ CEO Council Interview, in which he told the CEOs and the Wall Street Journal that he would try for piecemeal amnesty, since the elected representatives of the American people wouldn’t pass the full amnesty he wanted. [Obama Backs Piecemeal Immigration Overhaul By Carol E. Lee, WSJ November 20, 2013] Today in San Francisco, he again called on tech CEOs to help him

Does Obama have any enemies to the Left who will call him on his shameless pandering to the wealthy, and who will publicly condemn the plutocrats who are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a “cheap labor” law? No? Well, then it’ll have to be the great Senator Jeff Sessions who does it (emphases added):

Sessions Comments Ahead Of President’s Immigration Address

Monday, November 25, 2013

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today as President Obama was set to deliver remarks on immigration:

“House leaders must lay out clearly to the American people the President’s dismal record on immigration. During his time in office, the President has systematically dismantled interior enforcement, handcuffing immigration officers and bypassing Congress. These facts — drawn from the testimony of immigration officers themselves — should be clearly documented before the whole nation. No agreement should be entered into while such lawlessness continues.

Secondly, the President must be asked — by media and lawmakers alike — how he can possibly justify a plan that will double the flow of immigrant workers at a time when 91.5 million Americans are outside the labor force? Indeed, as the President makes his immigration remarks he is preparing to hold a fundraiser with Silicon Valley executives, a group clamoring for more guest workers at a time when nearly half of recent college grads are underemployed. Wages are flat and falling for U.S. workers — the clearest evidence that there is not a labor shortage, but a jobs shortage.

America is not an oligarchy. Congressional leaders must forcefully reject the notion, evidently accepted by the President, that a small cadre of CEOs can tailor the nation’s entire immigration policy to suit their narrow interests. A Republic must answer to the people.”

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