Senator Rubio Supports Latino Museum in Smithsonian Complex

By Brenda Walker


Evidence continues to mount that diverse Republican star Senator Marco Rubio is at heart a race man, who feels loyalty to his tribe rather than to the nation he took an oath to serve. He talks up the virtues of the American people, but his behavior suggests a different preference.

The Florida Senator makes fine speeches on basic conservative themes, no question. His recent CPAC presentation was typically well crafted. [Watch.] Notably, his speech avoided the immigration topic in which he is currently immersed as an important member of the Gang of Eight secret amnesty schemers (shown below). Democrat Luis Gutierrez says Rubio is “key” to achieving comprehensive amnesty.

The latest race-based preference is Rubio’s support for a Latino museum to be built next to the Smithsonian Castle in Washington. The museum is designed to show that Hispanics have had a long and positive effect on American history, even though the hispanic population in 1940 was less than 1.9 million. We have seen such historical revisionism before, such as the raza gang’s demanding filmmaker Ken Burns to refilm his PBS documentary about WWII to include special attention to Hispanic contributions, which in fact were not substantial.

In a statement, Senator Rubio characterized the edifice as a celebration of immigration.

Latino museum planned in place of Smithsonian building, Daily Caller, March 15, 2013

Latino legislators have drafted legislation to fund a Latino museum on the site of the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building, which has showcased the industrial and cultural accomplishments of 19th century American adventurers and entrepreneurs.

“A Museum of the American Latino would officially acknowledge our great history in the United States, and educate visitors about how the success of this country could not have been accomplished without the achievements of Hispanic Americans,” said a March 14 statement from the office of embattled Sen. Robert Menendez, who is now facing a grand jury investigation for possible corruption.

It will also demonstrate the growing political power of Latinos, which has been slowly rising since the 1965 immigration revamp.

“We are in a new era in which Latinos are a much greater part of our national discourse … our numbers have grown as well as our significance to the story of America,” said Menendez’s statement.

The legislation does not say if the existing building would be razed for the new museum.

The building is located beside the Smithsonian Castle, and is being updated for the public next year. The other Smithsonian buildings along the mall would not be impacted.

Menendez’s bill was backed by Democratic leader Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. Xavier Becerra, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, and Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio.

“This will be an enduring monument as much to the people who have found opportunity and refuge in America as it is a tribute to our exceptional country that has always welcomed people and helped them realize their dreams like no other place in human history,” said a statement from Rubio, which portrayed the project as a celebration of immigration.

The new museum, added Rubio, will be funded by the public’s donations.

Over its history, the Smithsonian building has showcased inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell and Henry Ford, artists such as George Catlin, and leaders such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin.

It also showcased entrepreneurs’ accomplishments, including the steel, mining, railroad, textile, ceramics, weapons and medical industries. By 1940, due to an abundance of exhibits, the Congress authorized the creation of the National Air and Space Museum.

In recent years, the federal government has added new museums to showcase the contributions of African-Americans and American Indians.

Menendez’s pending legislation does not identify the Latino entrepreneurs, inventions and accomplishments would be showcased in the new Latino museum. However, both Reid and Becerra lauded the role of Latinos in American history.

“Since our founding, Americans of Latino descent have played an important role in our nation’s story — in every chapter and at every turn … their lives and diverse contributions to our nation’s enduring prosperity remain largely unseen and untold,” said his statement.

“”For centuries, Americans of Hispanic descent have helped shape the history of Nevada and the country. Latinos have contributed to every facet of our lives and culture, they have spurred progress in our laboratories, playing fields, halls of justice, art, literature and the economy,” said Reid’s statement.

In 2012, Latinos comprised 9 percent of the voting-age population, while whites comprise roughly 75 percent. President Barack Obama won more than 70 percent of the Latino vote in his re-election victory over Republican Mitt Romney.

“America’s past is strongly rooted in the hope, sacrifice, and perseverance of Latinos, and its future will grow with new generations of American Latinos,’ said Becerra.

The museum, Menendez added, “would officially acknowledge our great history in the United States, and educate visitors about how the success of this country could not have been accomplished without the achievements of Hispanic Americans.”

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