Below is another enlightening/depressing list of amnesty loopholes from the irreplaceable Senator Jeff Sessions, one of the few members of the Senate who believes in law and borders. The latest list is an expansion of an earlier one on Friday which ferreted out the lies hidden in the Corker-Hoeven Amendment.
With a more thorough reading, more anti-enforcement items were found — what a surprise.
Senator Sessions issued a press release on his website:
Sessions Issues Statement On Tonight’s Procedural Vote To Advance 1,200-Page Substitute Immigration Bill, Monday, June 24, 2013
“The Gang of Eight and their allies revealed their true tactics tonight. They shut down debate and blocked amendments to a 1,200-page immigration bill that no one has read… This legislation is a crushing blow to the working people of this country, a surrender to illegality, and a capitulation to special interests over the interests of the citizens we pledged to represent.” [ … ]
What we know for absolute certain is that this bill guarantees three things: instantaneous amnesty, permanent lawlessness, and a massive expansion in legal immigration that will reduce wages for working Americans. This legislation is a crushing blow to the working people of this country, a surrender to illegality, and a capitulation to special interests over the interests of the citizens we pledged to represent.”
? Immediate amnesty before enforcement
? Guts legal requirement for biometric exit-entry system
? Millions of green cards (permanent residency) before enforcement — debunking another false claim from sponsors
? No border surge. Agents aren’t required until 2021. It will never happen
? No fence requirement. DHS retains discretion in the bill that preempts the call for a fence in ten years. Litigation also provides an escape hatch to never build the fence. The fence won’t happen
? Legalization for gang members and convicted criminals
? Amnesty for future visa overstays (in other words, a prospective amnesty for future illegal immigrants)
? Guaranteed welfare access for illegal immigrants
? Undermines interior enforcement, prompting ICE officers to warn: “There is no doubt that, if passed, public safety will be endangered and massive amounts of future illegal immigration — especially visa overstays — is ensured.”
? Expands non-merit chain migration — less than 10 percent of future flow is merit-based
? Doubles the number of guest workers and triples the number of immigrants granted lawful permanent residency — reducing wages for U.S. workers and driving up unemployment