Senator Sessions Objects to Democrats Rushing Amnesty Bill without Examination
Senate Democrats still plan to shove their amnesty plan down the throats of an unwilling public. Suggestions from Republicans that normal procedures be followed have been ignored by the open-borders Democrats. Senator Pat Leahy, the Chair of the Judiciary Committee, has insisted the process be rapid — quite a change from the Senate’s usual leisurely style.
The regular process for such an important bill would include months of hearings, with experts explaining what the costs would be with time for American citizens to examine the legislation’s contents.
Interestingly, the cartoon below is from 2007, showing how little things change in Washington’s halls of power.
Senator Sessions released a press release on Wednesday voicing his objections to the majority running roughshod over the public interest. (See also his list of 10 questions about the bill that has been negotiated in secret to please special interests like business and unions.)
Leahy Doubles-Down On Plan To Rush Immigration Bill Wednesday, April 10, 2013
WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement today on the announced timeline for moving a comprehensive immigration bill:
“The process that Chairman Leahy has described — a single hearing on a potentially 1,500 page bill — is unacceptable. It is an explicit rejection of the process demanded by Judiciary Committee Republicans and endorsed by Senator Rubio. To acquiesce to such a process would be to accept the Majority’s plan to rush through this massive legislation before the American people know what’s in it. Now that the special interests have what they want, the deal has been made: force it through and set the public interest aside. As with 2007, the drive to enact amnesty supersedes all else — including the open government principles of our democratic Republic. The American people are being shut out, the law enforcement community is being shut out, and the people’s representatives are being shut out.
We need a committee hearing on every component of reform, including the extraordinary potential costs to taxpayers, the impact on wages and job prospects for the unemployed, and the Administration’s continued refusal to enforce the laws previously enacted by Congress.
Failure to commit to this kind of open process is tantamount to an admission that the bill is not workable and will not stand up to public scrutiny.”