Jeff Sessions, a leader against the Senate’s destructive amnesty bill in recent months, has sent a memo to fellow Republicans, urging them to reject amnesty. Many in the party have bad ideas in their heads about how a vote for amnesty will put them in the good graces of the overestimated Hispanic voter. But it makes no sense to pursue a minority voting bloc when the Republican base strongly rejects amnesty for millions of lawbreaking foreigners.
Sessions argues that Democrats believe they can get away with screwing their own people in the working class because Repubs would be too dim, too bought by big business to stand for American workers.
Actually, the Democrats abandoned working class citizens years ago, when the Ds decided to become the diversity party, excluding all other values.
The upshot is that very few elected officials in Washington give a passing thought to Americans struggling in a worsening economy that is supposed to be recovering from a recession. It’s an opportunity for Republicans, if they are wise enough to embrace it.
A Tea Party website posted Sessions’ whole memorandum:
Sessions to Republicans: GOP Elite View on Immigration Is ‘Nonsense’, TeaParty.org, July 29, 2013
Memo: How The GOP Can Do The Right Thing On Immigration — And Win
July 29, 2013
To: Republican Colleagues
From: Ranking Member Jeff SessionsThe GOP needs to flip the immigration debate on its head.
The same set of GOP strategists, lobbyists, and donors who have always favored a proposal like the Gang of Eight immigration bill argue that the great lesson of the 2012 election is that the GOP needs to push for immediate amnesty and a drastic surge in low-skill immigration.
This is nonsense.
The GOP lost the election — as exit polls clearly show — because it hemorrhaged support from middle- and low-income Americans of all backgrounds. In changing the terms of the immigration debate we will not only prevent the implementation of a disastrous policy, but begin a larger effort to broaden our appeal to working Americans of all backgrounds. Now is the time to speak directly to the real and legitimate concerns of millions of hurting Americans whose wages have declined and whose job prospects have grown only bleaker. This humble and honest populism — in contrast to the Administration’s cheap demagoguery — would open the ears of millions who have turned away from our party. Of course, such a clear and honest message would require saying “no” to certain business demands and powerful interests who shaped the immigration bill in the Senate.
In Senator Schumer’s failed drive to acquire 70 votes, he convinced every single Democrat in his conference to support a bill that adds four times more guest workers than the rejected 2007 immigration plan while dramatically boosting the number of low-skill workers admitted to the country each year on a permanent basis. All this at a time when wages are lower than in 1999, when only 58 percent of U.S. adults are working, and when 47 million residents are on food stamps. Even CBO confirms that the proposal will reduce wages and increase unemployment. Low-income Americans will be hardest hit. Continue reading this article