By Federale
This correspondent has been fiercely critical of Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. He has failed on many issues; Russiagate, supervising the Department of Justice immigration bureaucracy, no prosecution of State officials aiding illegal aliens, and done nothing on the Second Amendment.
But on some issues he has been forceful; crazy transsexuals, Christian rights, the Muslim ban, and MS-13. In the good news department, recent demands by the Department of Justice could be a game-changer in dealing with the rotten boroughs problem that over represents Congressional districts with large illegal alien populations.
The Department of Justice has requested the Census Bureau include a citizenship question on the 2020 census form that experts claim could sabotage the results.The DOJ letter dated December 12 said that including a question on citizenship on the census would benefit the department and allow it to better enforce the Voting Rights Act, ProPublica first reported.
Trump Justice Department Request For Citizenship Question Could Sabotage 2020 Census, Experts Say, By Maria Perez, Newsweek, December 30, 2017
This could be a game changer. Fear is the mind killer, and demanding that illegal aliens answer as to whether they are citizens will put the fear of immigration enforcement in them, and they will decline to answer the Census. This will have the effect of dropping their numbers in the numerous rotten boroughs in California and other States where illegals boost representation for overwhelmingly Democrat Congressional districts.
However, just one question is insufficient. The Census should include several questions about alienage and require specific information in response to those questions, including alien registration number, immigration status, name, date of birth, and address. This will also allow the Census to weed out not only illegal aliens, but aliens temporarily resident, such as aliens on L and H non-immigrant employment visas.
The radical left sees the danger in this proposal, and will fight it tooth and nail. Jeff Sessions needs to be prepared to fight this all the way to the Supreme Court.
The radical left-wing illegal alien lobby ProPublica knows this is a dagger at the heart of illegal alien power in the United States. Note how the Main Stream Media takes Cult Marx talking points and regurgitates them as news reporting. Let Newsweek reporter Maria Perez know you have her number at her Twitter feed.
“This is a recipe for sabotaging the census,” said Arturo Vargas, a member of the National Advisory Committee of the Census and the executive director of NALEO Educational Fund, a Latino advocacy group. “When you start adding last-minute questions that are not tested — how will the public understand the question? How much will it suppress response rates?”The 2010 census included a handful of questions covering age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, household relationship and owner/renter status — but not citizenship.
“People are not going to come out to be counted because they’re going to be fearful the information would be used for negative purposes,” said Steve Jost, a former top bureau official during the 2010 census. “This line about enforcing voting rights is a new and scary twist.” He noted that since the first census in 1790, the goal has been to count everyone in the country, not just citizens.
There have been rumblings since the beginning of the year that the Trump administration wanted to add a citizenship question to the census. Adding to the concerns about the 2020 count, Politico reported last month that the administration may appoint to a top job at the bureau a Republican redistricting expert who wrote a book called “Redistricting and Representation: Why Competitive Elections Are Bad for America.” The Census Bureau’s population count determines how the 435 U.S. House seats are distributed.
Trump Justice Department Pushes for Citizenship Question on Census, Alarming Experts, by Justin Elliott, Pro Publica, December 29, 2017]
The left knows the end game here. This could end their ability to gain a House majority for decades to come. No time for Jeff Sessions to back down.
I hope Jeff Sessions continues rebuilding his reputation. Hopefully he will complete that by firing Rod Rosenstein.