
Setting So Many Jailbirds Free In 2020 Backfired Into Higher Crime

By Steve Sailer


Earlier: Sailer In TakiMag: Raj Chetty’s Data on America’s Black Male Incarceration Problem

One reason homicides went up about 30% in 2020 over 2019 is because the per capita rate of incarcerated prisoners went down by about 20% in 2020, due to COVID releases and the temporarily successful struggle against Mass Incarceration in the wake of George Floyd.

The incarceration rate bounced back up slightly in 2021 due to all the additional crime.

White criminals tend to live in conservative areas where the War on the New Jim Crow hasn’t gotten much traction, so white crooks haven’t benefited much from BLM over the last decade, while black and Hispanic crooks have. That’s likely one reason that the per capita incarceration ratio of blacks to whites dropped from 5.7 to 1 in 2011 to 4.5 to 1 in 2021. Likewise, Hispanics were 2.5 times as likely as whites to be locked up in 2011 but only 2.0 times as likely as in 2021.

These data are newly released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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