Sheldon Adelson And Corruption: Are There Others?
Has the GOP had an offer it can’t refuse?
The Left Blogosphere is quite reasonably having a field day with the news that Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands Corporation has told the SEC
…that it had "likely" violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, an American law best known for prohibitions against bribing foreign government officials.
Sheldon Adelson Casino Company Faces Criticism On 3 Continents Eleazar David Melendez Huffington Post 03/05/2013
The Financial Times found a Republican hack obtuse (or greedy) enough to try blustering this away:
One leading Republican fundraiser told the Financial Times the admission would have “no impact” because there were no “credible reasons” to believe the allegations personally reflected on Mr Adelson.“For recipients of money any bad publicity is outweighed by the value of the resources provided,” the person added, comparing Mr Adelson’s donations to groups that supported Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich to Bill Maher’s contributions to Priorities USA, which supported Barack Obama.
Las Vegas Sands admits possible law breachBy Matthew Garrahan in Los Angeles, Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington and Kara Scannell in New York March 3, 2013
Certainly outweighed for GOP operatives. How it would have looked for President Romney to have his main campaign donor tainted like this is another matter.
From personal knowledge I can attest that years ago a number of reputable Wall Street investment banks refused to handle gambling companies because of a pronounced opinion about the probity of these outfits. (I did say it was years ago.)
Unfortunately, as I have said previously,
…at the end of the day this raises serious questions about Romney. He allowed himself to be commandeered by untalented hacks and fools and permitted himself — and the Cause — to be ruined.
More importantly it raises a serious question about the moral legitimacy of the most important phenomenon in American public life at present — which I queried in Is Cash Avalanche Sweeping GOP Into Amnesty Acquiescence?
There has been no mention of the Adelson/SEC news matter by the Drudge Report. That is a disgrace.