Sign Of "Improved Economy" — Media Happily Proclaim Illegal Mexicans Are Coming Again
Leave it to the dinosaur media to present an alleged increase in illegal aliens as a cheerful sign that the American economy is getting better.
The whole thing is a little squishy, since the press made a big deal over the idea that Mexicans had slowed down in coming, while ignoring that job thieves from Central America did not let up at all.
For a while, the administration pitched the narrative that the illegal alien border-crossing problem had been solved by increased deportations (via a “deceptive” method of counting as admitted by Obama) so a mega amnesty could therefore be pushed to please the President’s foreigner base.
It does seem there has been some lessening of Mexican pests entering during the mini-depression, though it’s doubtful to the degree touted by the elite Opravda press.
At any rate, in the home stretch of the Presidential campaign, the helpful media wants us little citizens to believe that the American economy is improved — illegal aliens think so and don’t they know better than us??!
Study: Improved economy draws illegal immigrants, USA Today, October 25, 2012
Want a sign that the economy is on the rebound? Illegal immigration from Mexico is starting to rise again, according to a new report.
Immigration from Mexico fell to historic lows during the worst years of the recession. After four decades that brought 12 million people from Mexico to the U.S., people started heading back home and continued doing so from 2007 to 2011.
It’s impossible to pinpoint the exact number of people crossing the southwest border with Mexico, but the study by U.S. and Mexican researchers estimates that immigrants headed north in the first half of 2012 outnumbered those heading back for the first time since 2007.
“Illegal immigration is a market indicator,” said Roy Beck, CEO of NumbersUSA, an Arlington, Va.-based think tank that advocates lower levels of legal and illegal immigration. “They all got gigantic networks of family and friends who are already here sending information back and forth. So this is basically another sign that the economy is picking up.”
The report is a collaboration between the University of Southern California and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana, a Mexican government-sponsored research group. Researchers used interviews with people along the border and data from the U.S. and Mexico.
Jeffrey Passel, the senior demographer at the non-partisan Pew Hispanic Center who was not involved in the report, said the findings look legitimate. But he said the small increase in people coming from Mexico does not mean the United States is close to the massive influx of illegal immigrants seen recently. For example, in 2000, 770,000 Mexicans immigrated, legally and illegally, to the U.S. In 2010, that number fell to 140,000.
“Right now, we’re in a period where Mexican migration to the U.S. is at very low levels,” Passel said.
Roberto Suro, a public policy professor at USC and co-author of the report, said people cited the weakening economy and increased enforcement measures for returning to, or staying in, Mexico.
Beck said the renewed rise in illegal immigration is due partly to President Obama’s immigration record. He said a new program that could allow up to 1.8 million illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to have their deportations deferred sends a signal that the border remains open.
“The word has gone out that this administration is going to do all it can to keep you from having to leave the country,” he said.
Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, which supported Obama’s deportation deferral program, pointed to the fact that Obama has set records for the number of people deported as proof that he’s serious about enforcement.
Noorani said the renewed rise in illegal immigration simply shows that the country’s legal immigration system remains broken.
“Now that our economy is recovering, the bigger question is: How is our immigration system going to serve a growing economy?” he said.