
Social Distancing with John Derbyshire, Joined By Gavin Wax, TODAY, 3 p.m. EST

By Virginia Dare


On Thursday at 3 p.m. EST, our latest episode of “Social Distancing with John Derbyshire will livestream. Derb will be joined by rising America First leader Gavin Wax!

Gavin Wax is President of the New York Young Republican Club, an Associate Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and a conservative columnist whose pieces have appeared in TownHall, Human Events, Newsmax, and elsewhere.

They will talk about the censorship sweeping the nation and why it is so important for people with convictions to stand up and defend America … because no one is coming to save us!

Be sure to click here to subscribe to our channel and tune in for this important conversation!

You can join the conversation between Brimelow and Wax here.

Watch our past episodes of “Social Distancing with Peter Brimelow”:

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