The diversity do-gooders of Green Bay Wisconsin have decided that the community is too white and something must be done. (Maybe they should check in with Wausau, which had similar social engineering ideas a couple decades back, and the outcome was less than kumbaya: The Ordeal of Immigration in Wausau.)
Say, has anyone asked the people of Green Bay whether they want to be diversified?
A group of Green Bay community leaders says the city lacks diversity, and they're on a mission to change that. A new committee’s goal is to create more culture in Green Bay.According to the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians combined make up 20 percent of Green Bay’s population. This new group, the Diversity Committee, wants to increase that number and is determined to make it happen. [Changing the Color of Green Bay, WBAY-TV 6/22/07]
Note the curious belief that America has no culture, and we must import it from elsewhere.
A recent study found that while diversity is widely considered as a positive aspect in society, its boosters are a little vague on what the idea actually means beyond the bumper sticker: U of M study finds that Americans couch feelings about race in the 'happy talk' of diversity-speak.
"The public debates and talk-show lamentations about immigration and political correctness leave many Americans to assume there’s a big divide in the country between those who value diversity and those who reject it," said Doug Hartmann, associate sociology professor, who coauthored the study with graduate student Joyce Bell. "The fact is, most Americans value diversity — but they see it as a benefit with the potential cost of cultural disunity and social instability."
Meanwhile, Harvard Prof Robert Putnam continues to find more evidence that diversity decreases trust and reduces social capital.
Putnam held back findings because the results disturbed his liberal sensibility.
Why is the tribal nature of human psychology so hard for liberal professors to accept? Not maleable enough, perhaps?
We all prefer to be around others who speak our language, share our values and understand our jokes. Human community is based upon similarities, not differences. Wouldn’t it be better to develop public policy on the basis of human nature as it really is?
The Green Bay social engineers should take a trip to the Lost Angeles area and see what multicultural immigration has wrought. One stop should be the diverse Catholic church, Our Lady of La Vang in Santa Ana, to get the full effect.
Latinos take the chairs on the right, Vietnamese go left.Father Joseph Nguyen quietly watches from the altar before moving to the pulpit, where he preaches five minutes in Spanish, then Vietnamese, then Spanish, alternating until the service ends. Prayers, songs and responses are done in both languages. [O.C.’s mix of cultures yields cooperation, tensions, LA Times 6/23/07]
Language pong! That sounds spiritually uplifting.
The churches are so brainwashed with do-gooderism that they think Babel is a good thing. Not according to the Bible.