In case there was ever any doubt that the open-borders bunch are intimately intertwined with one-worlder socialists, this item clearly reveals the academic view. The clip below is taken from a recent conference on “social justice” presented at the University of Tennessee Knoxville for the indoctrination of young minds.
Professor William Robinson of UCSB says to the conference, “One of the most important calls we can make for social justice globally is to abolish the distinction between immigrants and citizens … The movement for immigrant rights in the United States is part and parcel of the larger worldwide struggle for social justice.”
Frances Fox Piven pipes up a little later, declaring, “Immigrants should have the right to vote if they live here.”
Here’s a blurb about the conference from the University of Tennessee website:
The Department of Sociology and the Center for the Study of Social Justice will be hosting a conference on Social Justice and the University, Friday, April 29 — Saturday, April 30, 2011. The Conference will use the idea of social justice to explore the challenges universities face in meeting the economic, social, and global pressures of the 21st century. With faculty, student, staff, and community participants, the Conference is designed to begin an ongoing discussion of how social justice can inform the responsibilities of higher education. The participants come from a variety of academic disciplines, including Education, Modern Foreign Languages, Law, Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, in addition to various community workers. Conference topics include Foundations and Variations on Social Justice, Social Justice and Globalization, Teaching Social Justice, and University and Communities.