Somali Immigrant Pleads Guilty To Plotting Terrorism

By Brenda Walker


Has there been any national coverage on TV of the case of Nuradin Abdi? If so, I haven’t seen it.Lady justice with scales and rifle

Abdi is the Somali immigrant who was arrested in 2003 for plotting to blow up a mall in the Columbus, Ohio, area. Actual cases of Muslim immigrant terrorists get little notice in the MSM for some reason.

Nuradin Abdi smiled and laughed with his attorney before admitting in a federal court yesterday that he had worked with terrorists to help plot against the United States.

Abdi, who wanted to blow up a mall in the Columbus area, is expected to serve 10 years in prison and be deported to his native Somalia. His conviction, though, could be a sign that there are others still to be named as members of the same terrorist cell. Details brought to light yesterday show that the terror cell was bigger than a trio of local men possibly involved in it — Abdi, convicted terrorist Iyman Faris and Worthington native Christopher Paul — previously reported. [Somali man pleads guilty to plot, August 21, 2007]

From two years ago on, a list of Muslim terrorists charged in this country, America Infiltrated By Jihadi Terrorists: Box Score, which includes some disturbing stats from a Washington Times article (Terrorists will fail, official says, May 4, 2005):

Criminal Division prosecutors and investigators, working with state and local authorities, have disrupted more than 150 terrorist cells and threats from Portland, Ore., to Lackawanna, N.Y., incapacitating more than 3,000 known operatives. They also have charged 375 persons in terrorism-related cases, 195 of whom already have pleaded guilty or been convicted, and removed from the country more than 500 people linked to September 11.

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