Somali Shooting: Governor Mark Dayton Explains Things to You B+ Minnesotans
By Steve Sailer
From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:
Gov. Dayton: Justine Damond shooting a tragedy, more information neededHe declined to draw parallels between it and other police shootings.
By Randy Furst Star Tribune JULY 19, 2017 — 5:12PM
In his first public comments since the shooting of Justine Damond, Gov. Mark Dayton called the death a “horrible” tragedy but said he had no additional information to draw conclusions about what happened. …
Dayton declined to draw parallels between Damond’s death on Saturday and the police shootings of Jamar Clark and Philando Castile. Both men were black.
“I’m concerned [about] any incident,” he said.
Dayton’s comments come after he was the subject of police ire following public comments made last year after the shooting of Castile.
“Would this have happened if the driver were white, if the passengers were white?” Dayton asked at the time. “I don’t think it would have. … On behalf of all decent-minded Minnesotans, we are shocked and horrified. This kind of behavior is unacceptable.”
We musk keep our priorities straight. As Governor Dayton, whose great-grandfather founded the Target store chain and whose wife is a Rockefeller, so eloquently explained in 2015:
“Our economy cannot expand based on white, B+, Minnesota-born citizens. We don’t have enough,” Dayton said.
As I wrote a couple of years ago: How can Target sell more toilet paper without Minnesota taxpayers paying to import the surplus population of the Mad Max zones of the Horn of Africa? Think about it! Haven’t you studied demographics!
As you know, the governor swears an oath to uphold The Economy and nothing but The Economy. It’s his constitutional duty to help The Economy be all it can be. If the current B+ population of Minnesota isn’t living up to The Economy’s needs, then it’s the governor’s legal obligation to do something about the current population. Maybe it needs to be vibrantized with some A+ people from East Africa. Or maybe some F- people. Quality doesn’t matter, only quantity. The important thing is: Think of The Economy.
Somalia has 1,900 miles of coastline, a government that knows its place, and all the guns and wives you can afford to buy. Why have I never heard of this paradise before?— Pierce Hawthorne, Community