Somali Terrorist Conviction and Sentencing Arouses Little Interest In MSM

By Brenda Walker


Today, an al Qaeda-connected guy, Nuradin Abdi, was sentenced for conspiring to blow up a shopping mall in Ohio, but the case has been ignored by mainstream media throughout the legal process. (See my earlier blog, Somali Immigrant Pleads Guilty To Plotting Terrorism.)

Was the failure of the plot the problem, the absence of horrific loss of life? It seems like a big deal that there is a growing list of terrorist arrests and convictions within this country, but not so to the bright lights in the editorial offices.

A Somali immigrant was sentenced to 10 years in prison Tuesday for plotting to blow up an Ohio shopping mall with a man later convicted of being an al-Qaida terrorist.

Nuradin Abdi, a cell phone salesman before his arrest, pleaded guilty in July to conspiring to provide material support for terrorists. He will be deported to Somalia after serving the federal sentence.

In a 20-minute statement to the court, Abdi’s attorney Mahir Sherif said his client apologized to the people of the United States, the people of Ohio and the Muslim community. He said Abdi regretted that his conviction might lead to problems for other Muslims. [Somali Gets 10 Years in Ohio Bomb Plot, San Francisco Chronicle, November 27, 2007]

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