Standing Firm in Manassas
By Allan Wall
It’s very encouraging to see the rise of patriotic local officials at the state, county and city levels who are fighting the illegal invasion, and are not backing down.
One example is the Board of Supervisors of Prince William County, Virginia (county seat — Manassas), who unanimously approved a measure to deny services to illegal aliens.
Their decision was opposed by a group called ”Mexicans Without Borders” (their name tells you what they’re up to) who organized a boycott and a big demonstration. But the supervisors refused to back down and are continuing with their policies.
”Help Save Manassas”, a local anti-invasion grassroots group held a news conference, at which several of the supervisors had some good things to say. Corey A. Stewart, Prince William Board Chairman summed up the problem they were facing:
"Congress has failed. The president has failed to attack this problem, and as a result, communities such as ours are paying the price in terms of crowded classrooms, crowded jails and hospitals.”
Not only are the supervisors not knuckling under. Stewart announced that they plan to pass another measure requiring police to demand proof of residence if they have probably cause to do so. "We're going to continue hard on this course. We're not backing down,” said Board Chairman Stewart.
The vice-president of Help Save Manassas, said that
"We're here to affirm that our residents and their government will not be intimidated or dissuaded from protecting the cities, towns and neighborhoods of Prince William County.”
What about “Mexicans Without Borders”? Supervisor John T. Stirrup (who had proposed the measure) said
"Mexicans Without Borders is a strongly anti-American group that refuses to embrace American culture, refuses to respect American sovereignty and certainly does not respect American laws.” Read about it here: