Stanford Rapist — Finally, Tom Wolfe’s Great White Defendant Is Found

By Steve Sailer


After countless false starts over the decades, the media may actually have found themselves a Great White Defendant who not only is not nonexistent, but is even guilty as charged. From the Washington Post:

Screenshot 2016-06-07 17.03.50

Bring it on — the brilliant smile of a Stanford swimmer with Olympic dreams, the happy privileged face of a white college kid named Brock Turner. Another picture of him smiling, please.

Because this is what a campus sexual predator looks like. And that’s the truth too many people refuse to acknowledge.

In contrast, would the Post use the same headlines for this picture of Jameis Winston, quarterback of NCAA football champion Florida State, being awarded the Heisman Trophy (or being drafted overall #1 by the NFL)?

Why the Florida St. attacker’s smiling photo is far more telling than any mugshot

Take a look at Jameis Winston’s happy, privileged face. This is what campus predators look like, America.

By Petula Dvorak — Column

Bring it on — the brilliant smile of a Florida State quarterback with NFL dreams, the happy privileged face of a black college kid named Jameis Winston. Another picture of him smiling, please.

Because this is what a campus sexual predator looks like. And that’s the truth too many people refuse to acknowledge.

Nah …

Since the concept of the Great White Defendant is not well known, here’s a reading list.

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