States Taking Action To Make English Official Language; Where Is National GOP?
Perhaps the most common sense, easiest to implement and overwhelmingly popular policy that touches on the National Question is establishing English as the official language of the country.
A Rasmussen poll conducted last month discovered that 83 percent of Americans want English adopted nationally, while only 10 percent disagreed.[States moving to adopt English as "Official Language,"by John Blosser, Newsmax, September 8, 2014]
So obviously, we can expect no action from the Republican leadership. Instead the GOP will run a campaign based around making sure Mark Zuckerburg can get a tax write off if he buys another yacht or something.
Republican Steve King in the House and Senator James Inhofe have introduced bills to establish English as the official language at the federal level, but they are languishing in committee.
But there is action at the state level:
The Washington Postreports that West Virginia, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania all have bills pending in state legislatures that would establish English as their official language, joining 31 other states who have taken that step.
Overwhelming public support? Bipartisan appeal? Obviously in the national interest? Politically salient? English as the official language is all of the above. So, even for purely cynical, political reasons — where is the national GOP?