Steve Levy: A Patriot Candidate for NY Governor?

By Patrick Cleburne


At the end of last week patriots in New York got wonderful news: Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy switched parties and announced he was running for Governor as a Republican, a move James Fulford reported under consideration in January.
Democrat Enters N.Y. Governor Race as Republican By JEREMY W. PETERS The New York Times March 19,2009

As a local official, Levy has compiled one of the finest records in the country on defending his constituents against the costs and burdens of illegal immigration, going back to shortly after being becoming County Executive in 2004. He has all the right enemies: the New York Times has tried to blame him for the murder of an illegal immigrant two years ago and recently objected to his (technically correct) use of the term “Anchor Baby”; and a professional Hispanic Pol has announced a special effort to oppose his campaign:

We're trying to organize an effort against him among the communities he has slighted, the communities he has ignored and the communities he has expressed outdated opinions on," Rivera said.

Rivera Plots 'Anti-Levy' Campaign By Elizabeth Benjamin March 22, 2010

Given the pro-Treason fanaticism of the NY ruling class, hysteria is guaranteed.

In contrast, Rick Lazio, who had been expected to be the GOP Establishment candidate, compiled a miserable D+ career grade on the Numbers USA ranking system as a Congressman 1993-2001.

The likely Democratic candidate, Andrew Cuomo, is a hopeless multiculturalist from way back.

In New York, neither party is keen on the electorate interfering in their activities. Levy needs 50% of the Republican County Chairmen to support his candidacy at a June Convention to get on the Primary ballot. But he already has some and his candidacy was immediately endorsed by the state Chairman.

For once, a New York race worth watching.

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