Sen. Lindsey Graham Joins the Flight from White

By Steve Sailer


From the New York Times:

A Senior Republican Senator Admonishes Trump: ‘American Is an Idea, Not a Race’


WASHINGTON — It was just after President Trump had finished railing in the Oval Office against African immigrants he said came from “shithole countries” when a senior Republican senator, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who was there to negotiate a deal on immigration, spoke up.

“America is an idea, not a race,” Mr. Graham said, according to three people familiar with the exchange on Thursday. Diversity was a strength, he said, not a weakness. And by the way, the senator added, he himself was a descendant of immigrants who came to the United States from “shithole countries with no skills.”

Have you ever noticed that Senator Graham looks just like Kenneth the page on 30 Rock?

Anyway, I looked up the surname Graham on Wikipedia:

Graham is an English and Scottish surname. It is a habitational name, derived from Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. The Scottish Grahams traditionally claimed descent from a chief called Grame, but the first authentic bearer of the name was William of Graham in the 12th century.

Wasn’t there a book in the 1990s by a Harvard professor called How the Lincolnshireites Became White?

The biggest towns of Lincolnshire are Lincoln, Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Grantham, and Boston. Is there a more discriminated-against group in American history than immigrants from Boston, Lincolnshire, England?

If you Google “American inventors” you get:

Screenshot 2018-01-13 04.04.04

So I’d say the odds are that Alexander Graham Bell was black, just like Lindsey. Just look at his picture on Google.

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