Trump Visits Poland
By Steve Sailer
Poland, which Donald Trump visits on Thursday, is an interesting polity that in this century has been out ahead of the rest of the world in its political evolution.
Poland has had a pretty good 21st Century overall, with its main political fault line being between two parties of the right, the corporate conservatives of Donald Tusk’s Civic Platform party and the populist conservatives of the KaczyĆski twins’ Law and Justice party.
Poland’s most recent election, in late 2015 following Merkel’s Million Muslim Mob, was determined by the crucial question of whether the European Union should promote the interests of Europeans, or whether “European values” demand the obliteration of the European people.
Tusk had kicked himself upstairs to a top job in the EU, only to be betrayed by Ms. Merkel, with disastrous effects for his party in the late 2015 election. I explained Polish politics in Taki’s Magazine on January 20, 2016:
Thus, the year 2015 became an ignominious ordeal for Tusk when Angela Merkel suddenly decided to suspend an EU agreement and invite a million-Muslim mob into the Continent on her say-so.Today, after the breakdown in the cover-up of the Cologne sex assaults, the world has largely woken up to how imprudent Merkel’s whim was. But even back in September, Tusk’s old center-right ruling party was not as dangerously naive about the costs of opening the EU border to massive numbers of Muslims as Merkel was.
Tusk tried to navigate a moderate course between the German leader’s whim and Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban’s much-denounced attempt to defend Europe from demographic inundation. In early September, Tusk received praise for denouncing Orban for pointing out that most of the asylum seekers were Muslim.
But Tusk also tried to refocus elite attention on the need for prudence and defense. It was a depressing way to spend the fall. During the short-lived Merkel migrant mania that swept European elites, from the picture of the drowned Syrian child to the collapse of the Cologne cover-up,
Eurocrats stepped up their sniping at Tusk for his lack of enthusiasm for the onrushing flash mob. Tusk was backstabbed by the slippery Luxembourg politician with the amusingly pan-European name of Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission. Juncker sided with Merkel and her money, even though it should have been obvious that the Merkel plan to force refugee quotas upon EU member states was a diversion from the necessary work of the EU building perimeter defenses.
Ultimately, however, Tusk’s Civic Platform corporate conservatives bowed down to Chancellor Merkel’s demands, while Law & Justice stood up against bullying by the German Chancellor:
Five weeks later, Civic Platform was crushed by Polish voters, dropping 14 percentage points versus its 2011 performance. Following the Paris atrocities, the new populist conservative government announced it wouldn’t be admitting any Muslim refugees.In the foreign press, the recent ascendance of majoritarian conservatives over corporate conservatives is being heralded as the End of Democracy. In part this is because “democracy” has slowly, surreptitiously come to be redefined as the opposite of majority rule.
After all, the globalist thinking goes: When you think about it, isn’t the very idea of Polish voters daring to stand up to the German chancellor and deciding as a free people to not import anti-Semites downright Hitlerish?
Read the whole thing there.