Stockman Says Obama "Begging To Be Impeached"

By James Kirkpatrick


Congressman Steve Stockman, who unsuccessfully challenged John Cornyn for Senate, is reporting that
“President Obama is begging to be impeached.”

“For all I know, Obama is preparing to process five million illegal immigrant kids and teenagers into the United States,” Stockman said upon observing border operations near McAllen, Texas.

“He wants us to impeach him now,” Stockman theorized, “before the midterm election because his senior advisors believe that is the only chance the Democratic Party has to avoid a major electoral defeat. Evidently Obama believes impeachment could motivate the Democratic Party base to come out and vote.”

[Congressman at border: "Obama is begging to be impeached,"by Jeromi Corsi, WND, July 26, 2014]

Congressman Stockman reports that the Border Patrol is simply letting illegals free into the country because of a "law" they could not name. Needless to say, the mainstream media is not doing any reporting on what is actually happening along the border because that could conflict with the narrative of saintly children being repressed by racist white Americans.

However, Obama may be doing this as part of a stratagem — provoke impeachment and run in 2014 on the theme of racist Republicans trying to oust the first black President of the United States. Of course, even if it doesn’t happen, they may run on that anyway.

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