Students At Columbia University Attack Minuteman Founder
A variety of students rushed the stage, sabotaging the event. No one seems to have been injured.
Via the Powerline Blog:here’s the video:
Powerline’s Scott Johnson links to this article by his daughter:
A number of campus groups, including the Chicano caucus, the African-American student organization, and the International Socialist organization, began planning their protests early this week when they heard that the Minutemen would be arriving on campus.The student protesters, who attended the event clad in white as a sign of dissent, booed and shouted the speakers down throughout. They interrupted Mr. Stewart, who is African-American, when he referred to the Declaration of Independence’s self-evident truth that "All men are created equal," calling him a racist, a sellout, and a black white supremacist.
A student’s demand that Mr. Stewart speak in Spanish elicited thundering applause and brought the protesters to their feet. The protesters remained standing, turned their backs on Mr. Stewart for the remainder of his remarks, and drowned him out by chanting, "Wrap it up, wrap it up!" Mr. Stewart appeared unfazed by their behavior. He simply smiled and bellowed, "No wonder you don’t know what you're talking about."
"These are racist individuals heading a project that terrorizes immigrants on the U.S.-Mexican border," Ryan Fukumori, [send him mail]a Columbia junior who took part in the protest, told The New York Sun. "They have no right to be able to speak here."At Columbia, Students Attack Minuteman Founder, By ELIANA JOHNSON — New York Sun October 5, 2006
Michelle Malkin has more; she links to liveblogging by Columbia students.
A student defending the Minuteman right outside the gates on 115th was encircled by a group of protesters after a heated personal fight with just one of the protesters. The protesters then shouted, "Racist, go home!" Security showed up, and they started breaking up. Student last seen laughing on phone with friends. A mosh pit of triumphal students and community members dance and chant, "Asian, Black, Brown and White, we smashed the Minutemen tonight!"