"State GOP’s problem? Too white, too male", by Martin Wisckol, Orange County Register, May 14, 2009. (Also here if you want to comment).
"Allan Hoffenblum gave a roomful of mostly Republicans a hard look in the mirror at the Balboa Bay Club today. The major cause of the continued deterioration of the GOP in California is that it has done little to attract minorities, women and youth."
Is this stupidity or what? We just posted Joe Guzzardi’s analysis of the CA GOP, which made it clear that GOP nominee McCain failed to carry California whites:
Thus in the 2008 Presidential election, CNN exit polls show that John McCain actually succeeded in losing the California white vote (a.k.a. what until recently would have been regarded as the American vote) 46%-52%. (McCain couldn’t even carry white men in California: he got 48% vs. 44% for white women).
In contrast, McCain swept the Alabama white vote, which is almost exactly the same proportion of the total as in California, 88%-10%. So he carried the state easily, 61%-39%.
Can nobody in California count?
Who is this Hoffenblum anyway? He googles up as "a Jewish moderate Republican consultant" (website here). He does this for a living. No wonder the CA GOP is in the toilet.
Amazingly, Hoffenblum was speaking before something described as the "United Agribusiness League, whose members employ thousands of Latinos". How much more blatant can they get? But reporter Wisckol apparently didn’t think to question it.
Tell Hoffenblum he’s a jackass (or worse).
Tell United Agribusiness League president Bill Goodrich he’s a traitor.
Tell reporter Wisckol he’s a stooge.
Hat tip, RC.
P.S. "Eighty-four percent (84%) of Americans say English should be the official language of the United States. Only nine percent (9%) disagree, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey." (Rasmussen Reports, May 14 2009). That must include a lot of Hispanics. How come the Hoffenblum wafflebums never suggest this wedge issue to the GOP?