Here’s another preventable death that can be chalked up to misplaced do-gooderism among immigration enthusiasts. The young Sudanese, Gareng Deng (inset photo), who murdered Marilyn Bethell (main photo) was not an illegal alien, but a refugee with a strong imprint of violence from childhood. He was damaged goods, not a good bet for assimilation on any level. But stupid America puts the welcome mat out for just about anyone. [Teen pleads guilty in Marilyn Bethell murder, Chicago Tribune, May 9, 2009]
Gareng Deng grew up in Sudan, surrounded by violence. When he came to the United States, he brought destruction with him.
Marilyn Bethell, 47, lived quietly on the far northeast side of Aurora. Somehow, the substance abuse counselor became Deng’s target.
Deng, 17, pleaded guilty Friday to participating in Bethell’s 2005 murder. He will spend almost all of the next 33 years in prison. [ … ]
During those [2007] hearings, it was revealed that as a child in war-torn Sudan, Deng witnessed atrocities and genocide. He saw a man’s arm chopped off. He walked into the desert with his uncle to buy guns.
The World Relief Organization eventually helped Deng’s family come to the U.S. But once here, Deng got involved in more and more serious crimes, culminating in Bethell’s murder.
Abused children often grow into violent, abusive adults. It’s basic psychology that no one questions, except in the immigration/refugee milieu. War-affected children commonly experience anger and post-traumatic stress disorder as they grow older.
It’s entirely irresponsible of refugee agencies to deposit these little time bombs into American communities with no psychological counseling and expect everything will work out somehow. It doesn’t, and only a fool would expect a good result.
In Salt Lake City last Wednesday, a Sudanese refugee drove his car into a group of children on their way home from school. Fortunately, none of the injuries were very serious. [Police: Motorist aimed at group of Kearns students, Salt Lake Tribune, May 7, 2009]
Police have arrested a man they believe purposely ran his car into six children walking home from Kearns Junior High on Wednesday.
As rattled parents and students tried to make sense of the bizarre incident Thursday, police continued to investigate why Luka Wall Kang, a 50-year-old Sudanese refugee, allegedly drove into the group of students on a sidewalk at 4015 West near 5600 South as children streamed home from school around 3:10 p.m. [ … ]
According to the Arizona Refugee Resettlement Program, Kang is a refugee from Sudan who came to the U.S. in May 2003 through Jewish Refugee Resettlement of Southern Arizona.
Records show he lived in Tuscon, Ariz., and Omaha, Neb., before arriving in Kearns "a few months ago," Hutson said.
Kang told police that he suffered from depression and was frustrated over his lack of employment, Hutson said.
Of course, it is similarly the worst sort of public policy to continue bringing thousands of unskilled third-world people to America in a terrible economy. (Refugee Resettlement Watch has been watching this topic closely.) It is no kindness to them and is dangerous to the public.