Sugar May Be White, But It’s Not Racist
By Steve Sailer
A writer named Calley Means recounts an eye-opening lesson:
Early in my career, I consulted for Coke to ensure sugar taxes failed and soda was included in food stamp funding.
I say Coke’s policies are evil because I saw inside the room.
The first step in playbook was paying the NAACP + other civil rights groups to call opponents racist.
Coke gave millions to the NAACP and the Hispanic Federation — both directly and through front groups like the American Beverage Association.
This picked up in 2011-2013 — when the Farm Bill and soda taxes were under consideration.
The conversations inside these rooms was [sic] depressingly transactional:
“We (Coke) will give you money. You need to paint opponents of us as racist.”