Super Bowl Says No Border Patrol Ads
Here’s an interesting story …
The U.S. Border Patrol wanted to run recruitment ads in programs handed out to the 200,000 people who attended the Super Bowl a few weeks ago in Miami. The NFL said no way.
Well, first they said they wanted the USBP to re-word the ad so it didn’t include words such as terrorists, illegal aliens and drug smuggling--they thought the ad would be too gloomy for sports fans. According to the NFL, the USBP never got back to them and so the entire ad was left out.
Yeah right! Now we know what really happened:[NFL Defends Decision Not to Print Border Patrol Ad Recruitment in Super Bowl Program by Liza Porteus FOX News 2/15/2007]
NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said they asked for modifications and did not receive them — this may or may not be true, who knows?
At first he said "We were uncomfortable with the copy, which talked about terrorists and their weapons and undocumented aliens and drug smuggling, and for the Super Bowl and our Super Bowl guests, we thought that was a little much."
Now then, the actual copy from the USBP read "As Border Patrol agents, it will be your responsibility to prevent the entry of terrorists and their weapons into the United States. You'll help detect and prevent the unlawful entry of undocumented aliens into the United States … [and ] play a primary role in stopping drug smuggling across our borders," specifically along the southwest border.
But later in the interview he — perhaps unintentionally — revealed the real reason behind the rejection:
"To us, it also raises the immigration issue, which is a very controversial political issue and we wanted to steer clear from that and any perception that we were taking some position on that," he said.
A Border Patrol ad raises the immigration issue … hmm, who would have thunk it?
And then they talked about a potential National Football League franchise in … Mexico!
"We love Mexico," NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said. "We have a great fan base there. It’s growing every day. We are very interested in going back. And we hope to be dealing with the various officials in Mexico to try to get that done for the 2008 season."
Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic! This is the bottom line:
The National Football League was presented with a choice: To protect America or to profit in Mexico … they chose Mexico … they drew this line in the sand, not us.
I want to see their ratings plummet over this so I have decided to keep the pressure on these fools so nobody (at least our beloved readers) forgets! Stay tuned …