Surf City Sweden: 11.3 Boys for Every Girl
By Steve Sailer
From Politico:
Europe’s Man Problem Migrants to Europe skew heavily male — and that’s dangerous. By Valerie Hudson 1/05/2016 … According to Swedish government statistics, as of the end of November, 71 percent of all applicants for asylum to Sweden in 2015 were male. More than 21 percent of all migrants to Sweden were classified as unaccompanied minors, representing more than half of all minor migrants to the country. For accompanied minors, the sex ratio was about 1.16 boys for every one girl. But for unaccompanied minors, the ratio was 11.3 boys for every one girl. In other words, the Swedish case confirms IOM’s statistic that more than 90 percent of unaccompanied minors are male. Indeed, on average, approximately 90 unaccompanied boys entered Sweden every single day in 2015, compared with eight unaccompanied girls. Those numbers are a recipe for striking imbalances within Sweden. Consider that more than half of these unaccompanied minors entering Sweden are 16 or 17 years old, or at least claim to be. (There are no medical checks of age for Swedish asylum-seekers, and applicants who say they’re under 18 receive special consideration in the asylum process.) In this age group more than three-quarters are unaccompanied, meaning they are overwhelmingly male. According to calculations based on the Swedish government’s figures, a total of 18,615 males aged 16 and 17 entered Sweden over the course of the past year, compared with 2,555 females of the same age. Sure enough, when those figures are added to the existing counts of 16- and 17-year-old boys and girls in Sweden — 103,299 and 96,524, respectively, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s International Database — you end up with a total of 121,914 males in Sweden aged 16 or 17 and 99,079 females of the same age. The resulting ratio is astonishing: These calculations suggest that as of the end of 2015, there were 123 16- and 17-year-old boys in Sweden for every 100 girls of that age. If that trend continues into 2016 or even beyond, each successive late adolescent cohort of 16- and 17-year-olds will be similarly abnormal, and over time the abnormality will become an established fact of the broader young adult population in Sweden.
Within a culture, a high male to female ratio tends to be good for the girls, making them a scarce commodity. For example, the Harvard Business School is one of the few higher education institutions to still have more male than female students. A lesbian dean at HBS went on the warpath to deal with the “crisis” of women students not getting as high GPAs as the men students. But it turned out that the reason the HBS women weren’t doing their homework was because they were spending so much time primping for their dream dates with future captains of industry.
Decades ago I read a study of all the killings in a mining town in the Victorian Old West with a very high male to female ratio. Perhaps Bodie? Unfortunately, I don’t remember which one. There were dozens of cases of single men shooting other single men, but only one woman, a prostitute, was killed over the course of a decade or so. And her killer was instantly lynched by the outraged citizenry. Schoolmarms and preachers’ daughters were inviolate.
On the other hand, a high male to female ratio in which a lot of the males are from an incursive culture that views the indigenous girls as infidel whores sounds like trouble.