Surprise! Media Matters Not Very Bright In Their Attack On Pat Buchanan

By James Fulford


This came up while we had the site closed, so I haven’t bothered to reply, but here it is, from the Media Matters website:

Surprise! Pat Buchanan Reads VDARE

December 28, 2010 11:21 am ET by Jamison Foser

I know, there’s something of a dog-bites-man quality to learning that Pat Buchanan reads a rabidly anti-immigrant website. But Buchanan continues to enjoy the favor (or at least acceptance) of a not-insignificant portion of the media elite, so the fact that he apparently browses a white nationalist site for column ideas is worth noting.

Here’s a portion of Buchanan’s latest column:

Then there’s a lengthy excerpt from PISA And Bad Students–American Schools Add Value, But Demography is StillDestiny, (our title) some Pioneer Fundophobia, and some Steve Sailer bashing, in which hysterical mini-pundit John Podhoretz is quoted as an authority for the fact that something Steve Sailer said was "shockingly racist", and what I call "Ransom Note Racism," where anything you've said on the subject of race is quoted out of context.

For example, what JPod actually said was that what Sailer had said was "shockingly racist and paternalistic "

The paternalism in Sailer’s column was his suggestion that Federal Government had a duty of care towards the people of New Orleans, because their municipal government wasn’t going to provide it:"Republican Presidents are supposed to provide adult supervision for crooked Democratic urban machines. "

But let that alone — the main thrust of Media Matters criticism is that since we've been condemned by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and previously by Media Matters, no one should ever quote us again. Pat Buchanan couldn’t follow that standard, or he'd be unable to quote himself.

In fact, many people read us, but most don’t have the nerve to quote us. Pat doesn’t have that problem.

For the record, thought we syndicate his column, Pat doesn’t work for us, nor we for him.

Again for the record, he’s quoted us before, including quoting me three times, not because we're hateful, but because we're saying things that no one else is. Since Media Matters has the job of spying on the American right, you'd think they'd know that.

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