
Svitlana Buchyk, Other Woman In The Menendez/Melgen Scandal

By James Fulford




While last night’s Michelle Malkin column, SleazeBob Menendez’s 36DD Visa Program focused on "Brazilian actress and nudie model Juliana Lopes Leite (a.k.a. “Girlfriend 1?)", one of Senator Robert Menendez’s "friends" for whom he’s alleged to have corrupted America’s immigration system, I'd like to note that there’s another woman involved — Svitlana Buchyk, pictured above, right, and below left. (Even more pictures here.)

Here’s a report from Robert Stacy McCain from two years ago:

Svitlana Buchyk: Mystery Woman in Menendez HookerGate Scandal, The Other McCain, February 4, 2013

Matthew Boyle of just published a photo of a woman who reportedly “worked” for Dr. Salomon Melgen, the Palm Beach opthamologist at the center of the scandal surrounding embattled Svitlana_Buchyk-6[1]

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.). Melgen’s office was raided by the FBI last week, amid accusations that Menendez attended “wild sex parties” with prostitutes during trips to the Dominican Republic provided by Melgen.

The Russian-born woman, Svitlana Buchyk, figures prominently in the prostitution accusations against the scandal-plagued Menendez, who is in line to become chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. Kathleen McGrory and Melissa Sanchez of the Miami Herald reported:

Public records show that a woman named Svitlana Buchyk got into a minor crash while driving a Chevrolet Impala on Miracle Mile in Coral Gables in 2010. The car belonged to Melgen’s wife.[More]

Some people, seeing these pictures, may think that this kind of immigration should be encouraged. Since we are actually getting immigrants who look like this:


Wouldn’t it be better have immigrants who look like Svitlana?


However, even girls like that can be more trouble than they're worth. People who feel that way may include Mrs. Salomon Melgen, and soon-to-be-former Senator Menendez.

During the 2004 Presidential debates, George W. Bush talked about helping employers to “mate up” with willing workers, which Steve Sailer said sounded like Bush was trying to remove impediments to the white slave trade. (Which, of course, is part of the effect of porous borders.) Steve wrote

I can just imagine that speech:

“My fellow Americans, it has come to my attention that Eastern Europe???the Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania — is full of nubile young ladies with hair the color of wheat ripening in the sun…[Kerry Outpoints Bush On Borders — But Misses KO On “Temporary Workers”]

I quoted this in a blog item about this young lady, who appeared on the LAPD’s Most Wanted List. mw_kowalsky_corinna[1]

Very pretty, and an illegal alien from Germany instead of Mexico, but according to the LAPD, she

befriended the victim and then later burglarized his residence taking various items of art, silver and porcelain.

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