Swedish Censorship Scandal
In Steve Sailer’s February 12 column, the Larger Lessons Of The Danish Cartoon Crisis, he wrote:
[L]ast week the Swedish government shut down a private website for posting a mild drawing chiding Muslims for lack of introspection.[VDARE.com note: This article about the censorship says that the website belongs to the Swedish Democrats, considered by Sweden’s media to be a "far-right" party. The Swedish Democrat website sverigedemokraterna.se seems to be down, and so is sd-kuriren.info, which in English would be "Swedish Democrat-Courier" but sverigedemokraterna.net is still up, and here’s their political program in English. Not "far-right" by American standards — the Swedes would consider many centrist Democrats "far-right."]
Yesterday, it was reported by Reuters that Laila Freivalds, the Swedish Foreign Minister responsible for the shutdown, has resigned. Apparently, not only did she pressure the private company that hosted the Swedish Democrat website to close it down, she lied about having done so. [Swedish foreign minister resigns over cartoons, By Stephen Brown and Johan Sennero, March 21, 2006 ]